About Stock Brokers' Association of Nepal
Providing Outstanding Service To Investors
Making more professional and disciplined members in order to create a more healthy and transparent market that adheres to the country's current rules and regulations.
Capital market is the engine of economy. It helps in capital formation through the mobilization of scattered savings. Economy can make utmost use of savings only if there is a well developed capital market. People and institutions only become eager to provide their savings as capital and/or debt to the corporations, government and local government agencies through primary market only if there is a healthy and liquid secondary market. Stock brokers are the gateway to the secondary market. Their service quality, business infrastructure, honesty, integrity and ethical behavior are prominent to attracting and retaining investors to the capital market.
Stock Brokers’ Association of Nepal (SBAN) was established in 2051 B.S. (1994 AD) as an umbrella organization of all the stock brokers with the main objective of developing a healthy and fair capital market through transparent, competitive and quality stock brokerage service. Its activities include advocacy and policy suggestions; organizing workshops, training and seminars for members’ professional development; preparing and implementing code of conduct among members and organizing investor awareness programs among others. It has its office in Kathmandu. Currently, there are fifty licensed brokers and all of them are the members of SBAN.
Dedicated to Capital Market
I, sincerely express my gratitude from the depth of my heart to all the members of our association for trusting me with the responsibility of the president of the Stock Brokers’ Association of Nepal (SBAN) and I feel pride and fully responsible in assuming that role.
SBAN has a history of almost 28 years. It has experienced many ups and downs during that long period. SBAN is the more responsible association trusted by the government, regulators, exchange, investors, media and other capital market stakeholders. The success of SBAN is solely the result of the commitment and contribution of past leaders, executive committee members and solidarity among the fraternity.
One of the main objectives of SBAN is developing a healthy capital market through resourceful and responsible broker members, their transparent, legal and ethical conduct and appropriate and time-relevant policy suggestions. SBAN also aims to advocate for members’ rights for their security and business expansion. My tenure as the president will be focused towards fulfilling these broader objectives. It would be more compelling and creates a sense of responsibility if the plans of current executive committee under my leadership will be rolled out.
Following are some of the plans that will be implemented during my tenure in addition to fulfilling above mentioned broader objectives:
· Up gradation/establishment of SBAN Secretariat on its own property.
· Undertaking investor awareness program in an organized way as a part of members’ CSR.
· Conducting training, seminars, interactions and workshops for the professional development of members and employees.
I am confident that my seniors, members of the advisory board and all members will provide appropriate guidance and support in achieving these objectives and implementing plans and programs. I have complete faith in executive committee members and members of sub-committees for the success of our tenure in achieving these results.
Thank You.
Sagar Dhakal
SBAN Executive committee comprises of 9 members – President,Vice-president, General Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary and four members. The committee has a tenure of 2 years.

Sagar Dhakal

Nitesh Kumar Agrawal

Bhakti Ram Ghimire
General Secretary

Madan Paudyal

Binaya Regmi

Bishal Kumar Agrawal
Executive Member

Jayant Shrivastav

Jelina Kandal
Executive Member

Priyanshu Agrawal
Executive Members
Tanka Prasad Gautam

Sagar Dhakal
Nitesh Kumar Agrawal
Parmeshwor Bhakta Malla
Advisory Board

Santosh Mainali

Ishwari Prasad Rimal

Nanda Kishore Mundara

Narendra Raj Sijapati

Dharma Raj Sapkota
Past President

Mr. Anup Kumar Shrestha
(August 1, 1994 – January 18, 1995) २०५१/४/१७ देखी २०५१/१०/४ सम्म

Mr. Jagdish Agrawal
(January 19, 1995 – August 25, 1996) २०५१/१०/५ देखी २०५३/५/९ सम्म

Mr. Pawan Kumar Agrawal
(August 26, 1996 – December 2, 1998) २०५३/५/१० देखी २०५५/८/१६ सम्म

Mr. Nawaraj Pokharel
(December 3, 1998 – October 4, 2001 ) २०५५/८/१७ देखी २०५८/६/१८ सम्म (August 3, 2006 – May 15, 2008) २०६३/४/१८ देखी २०६५/२/२ सम्म
Mr. Sajjan Kumar Agrawal
(October 5, 2001 – March 3, 2002) तदर्थ समिति अध्यक्ष तथा संयोजक २०५८/६/१९ देखी २०५८/११/१९ सम्म
Mr. Bishnu Prasad Chapagain
(March 4, 2002 – December 14, 2003) २०५८/११/२० देखी २०६०/८/२८ सम्म

Mr. Ishwari Prasad Rimal
(December 15, 2003 – August 2, 2006) का.वा.अध्यक्ष २०६०/८/२९ देखी २०६३/४/१७ सम्म

Mr. Nanda kishore Mundara
(May 16, 2008 – May 19, 2011) २०६५/२/०३ देखी २०६८/२/५ सम्म

Mr. Anjan Raj Poudyal
(May 20, 2011 – January 9, 2013) २०६८/२/६ देखी २०६९/९/२५ सम्म

Mr. Narendra Raj Sijapati
(January 10, 2013 – December 18, 2014) २०६९/९/२६ देखी २०७१/९/३ सम्म

Mr. Priya Raj Regmi
(December 19, 2014 – January 6, 2017) २०७१/९/०४ देखी २०७३/०९/२२ सम्म (January 7, 2017 – September 27, 2018) २०७३/९/२३ देखी २०७५/०६/११ सम्म